Our Story

Everyone has a story and mine started long ago! From a very young age I was fascinated with rocks and crystals. I was that kid that when we went to Cabella's I was off finding the barrels of the colored rocks to add to my collection! That fascination grew into a passion! I began studying anything and everything spiritual and "woo woo". My Dad always used to say "we don't believe in that woo woo shit around here!" Little did he know how it would be a bedrock for many different pieces of my life!

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My passion for learning and developing my craft has been with me my whole life. It's that passion that led me to create Denae's Witchy Woo Woo Creations! This isn't just a business to me, it's my heart & soul and I put my love into everything I do! From the hours I spend curating and hand choosing all the various crystals I have available to the sacred tools I make with my very own hands fueled by the energy of love.
I've spent a lifetime and many more seeking "truth". What I've learned is that we each have our own journey and truths to discover as we walk our individual paths. It is this wisdom that continues to guide me and that allows me to aid others in finding their own gifts, divine purpose and light. I'm a certified Usui Reiki Master, Lightworker & Empath and Creatrix working in Divine Flow. And should you feel the call, I'd love to connect with you even if for nothing more than a friendly hello. 

If you have any questions whatsoever feel free to contact me any time right here!
Sending much Love, Light & Woo Woo - Denae's Witchy Woo Woo CreationsÂ